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Loading .mbtiles tile files or sprites/glyphs from the assets shipped with the app

One approach that has been used successfully to do that is to copy the files from the app's assets directory to another directory, e.g. the app's cache directory, and then reference that location. See e.g. issues and

Avoid Android UnsatisfiedLinkError

Update buildTypes in android\app\build.gradle

buildTypes {
release {
// other configs
ndk {
abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a','arm64-v8a','x86_64', 'x86'

Layer is not displayed on IOS, but no error

Have a look in your LayerProperties object, if you supply a lineColor argument, (or any color argument) the issue might come from here. Android supports the following format : 'rgba(192, 192, 255, 1.0)', but on iOS, this doesn't work!

You have to have the color in the following format : #C0C0FF

iOS crashes with error: 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Invalid filter value: filter property must be a string'

Check if one of your expression is : ["!has", "value"]. Android support this format, but iOS does not. You can replace your expression with : ["!",["has", "value"] ] which works both in Android and iOS.

Note : iOS will display the error : NSPredicate: Use of 'mgl_does:have:' as an NSExpression function is forbidden, but it seems like the expression still works well.